(570) 251-7704 bchmontessori@gmail.com
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BCH Montessori Since 1981…

Christian Dayton originated the idea of a Montessori School in Honesdale, PA. After Christian moved from the area, a small group of parents who were dedicated to the principles and philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori continued classes during the summer of 1981 in a parent’s home in Bethany, PA.

Parents took turns teaching until September 1981 when the school moved to the Bethany United Methodist Church, and a certified teacher was hired

In the coming years, the school underwent enormous growth, and in 2014 the school moved from Bethany, PA to Honesdale, PA on Main Street behind The Cooperage Project.

After almost 10 years at that location, we are happy to annouce we have settled into our new location on Honesdale Central Park!

Montessori games
Kids Montessori

Goals Of The Montessori Classroom…

Our first commitment is to the multidimensional development of each child. Montessori children amass a great deal of factual knowledge in school. Our aim is for each child to find personal inspirations and interests, as well as a desire to learn. Through careful attention to children’s social, emotional, and physical development, we can foster a peaceful and engaging atmosphere of learning

In our classrooms, children are given choices and a great deal of freedom. By offering such choices a child develops vast character qualities, including responsibility and pride in learning. Following work through to completion, while working independently or in cooperation with others, the Montessori child moves towards the normalizationprocess, or Maria Montessori’s ultimate goal of student-led education


The Montessori approach is centered on a holistic experience for the student, with family involvement being a key component. Parents are expected to share their time and talents in a minimum of ten hours per year. There are a variety of opportunities for parents to donate their time. Please speak to a teacher or board member about what ways you can best support the school through volunteering.


Grounded in the philosophies of Dr. Maria Montessori, we believe in educating the whole child through peaceful communication, enthusiasm for learning, and exploration of our world. We offer classes for children from eighteen months to six years in age. Updates to the September 2023 program coming soon!



Our school follows the Montessori Curriculum as outlined by the North American Montessori Center. This intense curriculum is broken into areas of study and exploration. Our teachers (trained in the NAMC program) also have the freedom to design high-interest thematic units that tie into the staples of Montessori education outlined below.


  • PRACTICAL LIFE where children work with materials to care for themselves and their classroom environment. (Sweeping, pouring, dressing, among others).
  • SENSORIAL where children refine their visual discrimination and concrete understanding of order using all five senses. (Stacking, sorting, puzzles, among others).
  • READING & WRITING where children explore the letters, sounds, and structure of our language. Our classroom is covered in words and books for children to connect with reading on a personal level. Children are also pulled for guided letter identification and formation lessons, small group phonics instruction, and Kid Writing. (Sandpaper letters, letter/sound board, journals, among others).
  • MUSIC where children sing, listen, and keep beat with a variety of musical instruments. (Daily songs, drums, and listening center, among others).
  • ART where children use a variety of materials to create projects. The children also study artists and art movements. (Easels, oil pastels, stamps, among others).
  • MATHEMATICS where children work with hands-on manipulatives, developing skills from one-to-one correspondence through graphing, place value, addition, subtraction, and multiplication. (Number rods, bead stairs, counting tiles, among others).
  • SCIENCE where children use inquiry and observation to explore a variety of scientific materials. Children also participate in experiments, care for class pets, and outdoor play with this area of study. (Water table, chemistry, biology, among others).
  • GEOGRAPHY where children study the world, its people, cultures, and countries. (Foreign language, landforms, and holidays, among others).
  • ENRICHMENT WORKS is a program, unique to the Bethany Children’s House, where children are invited to work with a specialist in a field of study that they find interesting, such as an artist, musician, or dancer.

Reach out to us using the form below with any questions!

15 + 7 =

Bethany Children’s House Montessori Preschool

827 Church St, Honesdale, PA 18431


(570) 251-7704

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